highlights of 2013 and out with a bang

Well Well Well another year has flown by!! What a great year it was for me though. I am so thankful for what  my life has become and that my hard work, passion and dedication is really starting to pay off. So many great things this year, i dont know where to start so… in no particular order. here are some of my greatest moments of my 2013. 

First let me recall that on this day last year, I performed a private party for President Jimmy Carter that certainly shot me out of the gate with tons of momentum into 2013.

I had the best season in a few years here in the Keys doing my steady six nights a week for 9/10 months straight ( SOOO thankful for the reputation I have built here and for this steady work) …. then I hit the road.

I kicked January 2013 off with a very exciting gig!! after winning the stage competition twice at Myrtle Beach NC’s Magic At The Beach convention (2010 and 2012), I was hired to perform in the Champions Of Magic Gala Show for this years convention and it was AWESOME!

My 2 1/2 month tour was great this year , maybe a little long with too much time between some gigs, think i’ll tighten it up this year and just come home to the keys and have some time off here at the new house I am renting and LOVING. ( I could certainly use the time to work on new material for my show). But the highlight of my 2013 tour was performing at Jeff McBride’s Wonderground in Las Vegas, This year my Date fell on the day after Magic Magazine’s convention “MAGIC LIVE” ended. So there were some very BIG names in our business there to see me. I got some killer compliments from Gaeton Bloom , Kevin James, and Teller from Penn and Teller. you can see my performance here

Another highlight was perfoming at my 25th! High School reunion !! 

Then there was the very touching  Drew Jarvis story, A story of a huge fan of mine with Down’s Sydrome in Akron OH that turned into a great and ongoing friendship. if you follow me at all you’ve heard/seen this already but to recap here are the Drew Jarvis Videos PART ONE  and PART TWO

Then there was little Garrett, The 5 year old, local Key Largo boy that blew everybody away including me! by dressing up as ME for halloween and winning first place in his school costume contest and winning best original homemade costume at Burton Memorial Chruch’s annual Pumpkin Pacth/ Trixx Show. Check him out here

Man what else?… I ran 3 or 4 5K’s, stayed healthy and sober!! for another year!!!! Holy Crap!! That’s enough…. 

This week is what we, here in the Keys call Hell Week!!! It’s a VERY busy, touristy, money making week so Im Jammin this week and  2013,,,Im going out with bang!!!! 

Here’s to another great year, continued health and success in 2014!

remember: If at first you dont succeed, keep suckin’ til ya do SUCceed!!